Saturday, April 9, 2011

Digital Enhancements



For my digital enhancement assignment, I decided to play with the original design of my poster. I thought the chapter in the text about filters was interesting so I chose to add one to my design. The filter I chose is cutout because I like the cartoon effect that it gives. After experimenting quite a bit with finding the best way to apply the filter and the best filter settings for each layer, I made separate layers for space, Earth, the bugs, and the text and applied the filter to each layer separately. I also adjusted the brightness and contrast on the Earth and bug layers. For the text, I used the Century font. I think the changes I made to my poster smooth out the design.Please click on the posters for a larger view.


  1. I like the poster but the font is a bit awkward. Try Garmamond, Univers Futura, Bodoni, Caslon Baskerville, Helvetica neuve Pallatino, Gill Sans Cheltenham, Century, Clearface, Tiffany,

  2. I like the Century font. I think it adds a air of professionalism.
