Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Little Things

“A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark.” Dante Alighieri


  1. Sometimes to notice the little things in life we need help to see them. For this drawing, I used a magnifying glass and flashlight to see all of the details of this halved walnut that were hidden from the naked eye. I completed this drawing using charcoal.

  2. I love this!!! You have such great talent, I am just in awe. You actually inspire me to get back into drawing. I spend so much time behind a lens and letting my camera do the work me, I forget what it is like to really get back to the little details and beauty of things. Thank you for sharing your talent!

  3. Thank you for your kind words. There really is something about holding that pencil in your hand and working on a drawing. You have so much control while at the same time the freedom to express yourself with whatever flows from your hand. I have actually been thinking about drawing more of these, perhaps a series. I'm not sure if I would draw more nuts or just little things in general.
